Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Open Cockpit Day

The Pearson Air Museum, located at Pearson Field Airport (VUO), hosted its annual Open Cockpit Day.

The airfield has an interesting history, dating back to 1905 when Lincoln Beachey flew from Portland in a lighter than air craft, and landed on the polo field at the Vancouver Army Barracks.

Several aircraft were open to climb into the cockpit, including the North American T-28 pictured with Heatherle and Audrey at the controls.  Seemed to swallow them up when they climbed into the cockpit
The EAA had a Young Eagles event planned, which offers a short ride to kids ages 8 through 17 free of charge. The weather had stalled this activity until early afternoon when the ceilings became high enough for a few planes to get in.

Pearson is not a large or fancy museum compared to Evergreen or WAAM, but it is unique in it's early aviation airfield style, open restoration area, and other historical points of interest close by.

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