Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Courtesy Car

The courtesy car was at one time commonly available at small airports for use by visiting pilots. Due likely to liability, few airports still offer a courtesy car.  Still, LebanAir Aviation at Lebanon State airport offers three.

Matti and I flew down to Lebanon State (S30) on a nice morning to pick up a courtesy, have breakfast, and look around town a bit.

The Miata was not available, but, compete with saddle blanket seat covers and a bag of dog treats, the Lincoln Towncar was.

Not the hight of performance or economy, but if I was in need of a luxury highway cruiser, the Towncar would be high on the list.

Breakfast was good, the company was great, and was the flight. I'll need to search for other destinations with available courtesy cars.

50th Anniversary

Recently, the Starks celebrated the 50th anniversary of Starks Twin Oaks with a barbecue, fly-in, open cockpit, and Audrey's favorite... a water slide.

There was also a video on a loop documenting the history of Twin Oaks.  

No other place quite like Starks, no other people quite like the Starks, and a fun day celebrating the place I learned to fly.