When planning something to do on a weekday we both had off together, Audrey asked to fly back to the Tillamook air museum. We had been new years day, just a few weeks before, but this time visit the museum itself and have lunch.
Driving out to Stark's we encountered some increasing fog, forcing us to consider destination options reachable by car. Within a 1/4 mile of the airport, we were greeted suddenly by blue sky and clear visibility.
Climbing out before turning west, we looked over our shoulders to the east still covered in fog. Audrey has over flown clouds and fog in the past, but was really interested by the realization that we were circling out over the fog we had been driving through a short time earlier.
After returning to Twin Oaks, we were able to spend a little time chatting with Betty, and left for home with a good size bag of her peanut butter cookies. Cookies that didn’t last the weekend.
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