Saturday, while out at Twin Oaks for the monthly breakfast, I was anxious to check out the updated panel, new interior, and new motor on my favorite plane. It had just come back on line a few days before, and I had blocked out 4hrs for early Sunday morning. I would have liked to have hopped in and taken off, but being at the height of arrival time for the breakfast, the ramp was a swarm of activity, and decided that it could wait a day.
The first lightening in the sky promised perfect weather to fly, as I completed preflighting the plane, happy for the fingerless gloves Heatherle had found for me. Also very quiet.
In had skimmed through the 356 page manual for the 650, but was fortunate that entering a flight plan was pretty intuitive.
Entering the right downwind leg for 17 followed the breakers off the town of Gleneden Beach, base leg crossing the spit at Siletz bay, and final over the Salishan golf course.
We made a short stop at Siletz Bay, signed the log book, and walked around a little, not going too far from Audrey, asleep in the back seat of the plane tied down on the ramp. A little quirky was the three wall shelter featuring tablecloth held down with an assortment of rocks, visitor info, and cloth window treatment. Fancy, and home to a large population of spiders.
Early dinner and a couple of beers at the Cornelius Pass Roadhouse was the right ending to an enjoyable day.