Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/28/09 - Checkride Endorsed

I met with my instructor today; he quizzed me on a few topics, we looked over the airframe, motor, and propeller maintanance logs for 4KU, asked me questions about several items and systems on the airplane, and asked how my solo practice yesterday went.

With all that looking good, we completed the necessary paperwork, and I received the endorsement in my logbook for the checkride.

My instructor then gave me some background on the examiner I’ll be with – Very tough but fair, PPL at 16, one time test pilot for Cessna, 35,000hrs logged, captain for a major airline... Great! I’m feeling relaxed now!

Actually my instructor has a lot of respect for him, and I trust his judgment that I’ll learn a lot, and that I’m ready.

So more studying tonight, and 2hrs solo scheduled for tomorrow morning to get some last minute practice in.

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