1.6hrs Solo
No challenging conditions, or huge lessons learned, but a very nice day to do a little flying on my own.
Recently I've been struggling a bit with landings, so I flew over to Aurora intent on hitting all the numbers for airspeed and altitude, making nice square patterns, stabilized approaches, and making my round out before touchdown smoother. I did several touch and go's, and several full stop landings, all of which I felt really good about.

On the return trip to Twin Oaks I played around with the VOR, and made a few turns, but mostly just enjoyed flying.
I does still seem a little strange that someone will give me the keys to an airplane, and let go fly all on my own.
A very nice day!
No challenging conditions, or huge lessons learned, but a very nice day to do a little flying on my own.
Recently I've been struggling a bit with landings, so I flew over to Aurora intent on hitting all the numbers for airspeed and altitude, making nice square patterns, stabilized approaches, and making my round out before touchdown smoother. I did several touch and go's, and several full stop landings, all of which I felt really good about.
On the return trip to Twin Oaks I played around with the VOR, and made a few turns, but mostly just enjoyed flying.
I does still seem a little strange that someone will give me the keys to an airplane, and let go fly all on my own.
A very nice day!
The first picture is runway 35 at Aurora State just prior to opening the throttle for takeoff. The second is the panel on 4oH as I was beginning my descent, about 6 miles out from Twin Oaks.
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