Monday, November 17, 2008

Lesson 4 11/13/08

1.2 hrs - pattern work, takeoffs, landings.

We flew over to MMV for more pattern work, with more work on fundamentals in route. A beautiful late afternoon to be in the air.

I’m now beginning to feel much more at ease in the air, apparently to the point that my CFI has noticed, and can identify when I begin to tense up again. I really think that this apprehension has been a block in my progress, so I’m hoping this is a beginning of a trend.

My pattern work is getting slightly better, but I still get pretty stiff, and tense up a bit here. My CFI did the pin laced between the fingers thing to help with the grip on the yoke, which does really help. I’m more able to pick out what I’m hearing on the radio, and have now at least an idea of where to look in relation to our current position to identify other aircraft.

My landings? Not so good yet. I had a few decent landings, with my CFI talking me through it, but still feel like more of a passenger than anything else once in the flare. On one attempt I had a good bounce back into the air off the main gear, at which point my CFI took over, and brought us down nice and easy. I’ve found in my few hours of tight fisted mishandling of the controls that he’s quite a skilled pilot, as well as instructor , and have begun to see an improvement in my skills, as well as some self assessment.

My takeoffs have improved, which was the bright spot and confidence builder for this lesson (much needed). I’m getting a better feel for when the control surfaces become effective, and my feet are becoming quicker on the rudder, but I still struggle a bit with remaining straight.
I still have a lot of work with the radio ahead. I can be looking right at the runway with large numbers painted upon it, but still screw it up. It will come…

In the end a very good lesson, and a big as well as needed boost in my confidence.

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