Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Second Saturday Seminar

Each month, Willamette Aviation has a "Second Saturday Seminar", which may include anything from touring a plant such as CubCrafters, to border crossing procedures.

September's topic was "Class D Briefing" with the Troutdale (TTD) Tower Air Traffic Manager.

Since Matti will soon be leaving for U of O in Eugene, which has a towered airport, a little brushing up on class D procedures would be timely.

The primary focus of this seminar were operations at Troutdale airport, which has overlying class C airspace (PDX), but much applies to any class D.

Among the topics covered were arrival and departure procedures, land and hold short operations (LAHSO), tower services, and the change from "position and hold" to "line up and wait". Line up and wait... sounds so pedestrian.

A break in the seminar allowed time for lunch, talk with other pilots, and airplane watching.

After the seminar, cake and coffee was supplied by Willamette Aviation in the office.

A great way to learn a little something new.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Little Time to Fly, Little Time to Write

Home projects, work, life outside flying, weather, etc, have dented my flying time, which has been limited to the valley.

Matti and I took a small trip down the valley together on August 12th, seeing a number of balloons just south of Newburg, and kept to the West side of the valley due to low ceilings anywhere west of the Willamette river.

We also took mom down to Independence for breakfast. Again, clouds kept us in the valley, but fun none the less. Mom had not flown with me since a back seat trip to Salem while I was training.