Due to IFR and marginal VFR weather anywhere other than the Willamette Valley, and 2800ft to 3300ft ceilings reported along the route, a breakfast flight to Independence (7S5) was about all we'd be able to do. Even with that plan, just south of Newburg we suddenly found the bottom edge of a cloud much lower, requiring a quick descending turn to remain clear of.
From that point, a cruse altitude of 2000ft kept us well clear of anything other than the occasional rain, for the remainder of our day.
The breakfast was good, as always, and the restaurant busy.
We'd been using loaner headsets for Matti and/or Audrey, and decided to pick up a third set. They apparently work well, quieting the cabin enough for Audrey to take her traditional return flight nap...
It's beautiful country from the ground as well.