After more than a month of being busy with other things, or poor weather, I found a break in the day on February 15th.
The weather was good for the area surrounding Twin Oaks and east, with just a high layer overcast, but low clouds in all other directions. With that to work with, we flew a few miles south, over the low clouds, and then turned east, back over areas that were clear. Flying above the clouds is always a strange feeling.
4KU is off-line for several weeks for an engine teardown (someone chewed up a step ladder with the prop), so I flew Hotel, which I’d not been in since last summer. It always feels a bit different.
Our options limited, we enjoyed some sightseeing and returned to Twin Oaks. It was nice to get back in the air.
Although I’ve been to Independence several times now, Matti had not.
We’d hoped to get across to the coast for the return north, but breakfast took longer than expected, and we needed to stick to the valley for the return to arrive back at our scheduled time. Too bad, other than the crosswind, it was one of the nicest days in recent weeks.