Finally... a decent day with some free time available.
I left work a little early and headed out to Twin Oaks to spend some time alone in the air, a first since I was still a student.
So, what to do?
Explore somewhere new?
Fly around and take in the sights as the sun sets and it becomes dark?
Nope.... just an hour doing laps in the pattern.
Actually it was a good choice. My first few landings felt a bit off, but not too bad with a little crosswind. As I felt back in the groove, I began to throw in some soft field takeoffs, no-flap landings, slips, short field takeoffs, etc.
I also had some company in the pattern, a Cessna 150 was doing the same as I. The picture was taken as I walked up from the ramp, and the wingtip lights of the 150 on short final can be seen against the hills in the background.
It was really nice flying around the pattern, with a little time alone.