Friday was an in-service day for Oregon schools, so Matti and Lexie met me at work to head over to Twin Oaks and go for late afternoon flight.
We decided to fly north and follow the Columbia River north to Kelso-Longview airport.
Heading north after departing Twin Oaks, we needed to quickly listen to the ATIS for Hillsboro and contact the tower to request transition north (through Hillsboro's class D airspace). I hadn't worked with a tower for a while, but was happy that what I need to do quickly came back to me.
Leaving the north boundary of Hillsboro's airspace put us near Sauvie Island, and the farm that Matti has worked the pumpkin season for a few years.
Flying at 2,500ft we followed the river, enjoying views of the river, and the trees just beginning to turn their fall color.
As we approached Kelso-Longview (KLS), the pattern sounded pretty busy, so we overflew the field at 1,000ft above pattern altitude to get a good look at things (I had not yet been to KLS). Descending for a 45 degree entry on the downwind leg for runway 30 brought us over the Lewis and Clark bridge, and the turn to final took us over the Toyota dealership were we bought the Prius.
We taxied back past the FBO and hangers (nice looking place), waited for a couple of RV's to land, and took off headed for home.
The return trip took us SSW over the Coast Range and the towns of Mist and Vernonia, then turning east over the town of Gaston to return to Twin Oaks.
A very nice October afternoon.