Friday, July 31, 2009

7/23/09 Flight with Judy

After not being able to fly for three weeks due to a minor medical issue, I was cleared to fly again on the last day that my mother-in-law would be in town.

I called the airport to see what was available, and found out that 40H was free for a few hours later in the day. It had been about three months since I'd last flown 40H, but the forcast was good, and the flight would be a simple one.

The warm weather had brought a fair amount of haze, as well as some bumps, but still a nice day to fly.

The flight was great and ended with a smooth landing, which was important, as I really wanted to avoid confirming any possible suspicions that I was a hazard to the well being to her daughter or grandchildren.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

7/01/09 End of Vacation Flight

After returning Sunday from a week with the family and good friends at Yellowstone, I had Monday off to unload and clean the trailer. But, the weather looked too good to pass up a chance to fly.

A quick check of the online scheduling showing my favorite airplane just sitting in the hanger until 10:00, a favorable standard briefing, and I was hurrying Heatherle and Audrey out of bed to head for the airport.

Audrey wanted the front seat, so a quick weight and balance calculation to make sure that would work, and we were set. Heatherle is not a big person, but I wasn’t sure where a small 6 year old up front with an adult in the back would put us center of gravity.

Anyway, we flew down to Newport (ONP), and up the coast to Lincoln City, before returning home.
A little hazy, but smooth air for most of the trip, other than the descent to enter the pattern at Twin Oaks.
As I entered the downwind at Twin Oaks, I began to hear a strange noise. It didn’t sound like anything engine related, and I could only hear it through the headset. I switched the radio off and quickly back on. No change. I then looked over at Audrey, who had fallen very quiet; sound asleep, with her headset mike against the door.